Summer has already arrived. Have you prepped your home enough for this current season? Below is an ultimate summer home maintenance checklist.

1. Wash Your Windows and Screens

Before you start washing your windows, you want to start by cleaning the screens. Use a vacuum to bring up any loose dirt. Then, scrub each one with some dish soap and a bristle brush to remove any lingering debris. Set them outside to dry completely before using.

Now, it is time for the windows. Make a solution that’s one part hot water and one part vinegar. Then use a sponge or squeegee to wash each window. After washing, use a rag to dry each one. Lastly, replace your clean screens.

2. Prepare Your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Fans

The last thing anyone wants is to find out on a blistering hot day that their air conditioning system and fans aren’t working. To prevent this scenario make sure your systems are working.

Before working on your HVAC, turn off the power to the unit for safety. Remove the grills protecting the system’s fan and use a refrigerator coil brush to clean out any debris that’s accumulated in the fan. Don’t forget to look over the coils for any signs of fraying or obvious wear and tear. If needed, call in a professional to make any larger system repairs.

After you’re done, prepping your fans is a much simpler task. Take a ladder and a rag to dust off your fan blades. Locate the fan’s spin direction switch to ensure the blades are spinning counter clockwise. This will push cool air downward and help you save on energy.

3. Freshen Up Your Exterior

Following, take a look at your home’s exterior. Upon inspection, if there are any signs of rot or damage, repair those spots first or bring in a professional. Then, power wash the exterior to get rid of stuck-on dirt and debris. Also, check if your home’s paint job requires a touch-up. If so, fill in those spots on a day with good weather.

If you haven’t already, invest in a few flowers and plants to decorate the front of your home and make sure your lawn looks well taken care of.

4. Prepare Your Deck

If you have an outdoor space such as a deck or patio, start by looking for any loose boards or other signs of disrepair. Fix those first. Then, if needed, sand and restain the surface. When the deck is in good shape, focus on the furniture. A warm, soapy rag should be all that’s needed to wipe it down.

5. Reseal The Driveway

The final task is to reseal your driveway or give it a new coat of asphalt. Start by power washing the entire surface to make sure it’s as free of dirt as possible. If there is too much dirt, the asphalt won’t set properly. Allow it to dry completely.
When you’re ready, fill in any large cracks or potholes with asphalt crack filler. Then, take a long-handled bristle brush and use the liquid asphalt to form a border around the bottom and sides of the driveway. Since asphalt is messy, this will give you guidelines to stay within as you work.

Next, use a squeegee to spread the asphalt evenly across the entire driveway. Work in sections to avoid having the asphalt dry before you’re done.

Put these five points into place and you will have no problem having a great summer.

Desmond Vernon

Desmond Vernon


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